Spin Your Way Through
Calorie-Blasting Workouts
Disclaimer: Classes offered vary by location. Please check your location schedule to confirm.
Spin Your Way Through
Calorie-Blasting Workouts
Disclaimer: Classes offered vary by location. Please check your location schedule to confirm.
Cycle and sweat with 45 minutes of calorie-blasting, full-body cardio. Every class is rhythm based, meaning you ride (and Ryde!) to the beat of the music. Expect a killer sweat to a killer playlist with flats, hills, sprints, shakes, left turns, right turns, and more. All levels welcome in this indoor cycling class.
Temple and Leander Studios

Cycle and sweat with 45 minutes of calorie-blasting, full-body cardio. Every class is rhythm based, meaning you ride (and Ryde!) to the beat of the music. Expect a killer sweat to a killer playlist with flats, hills, sprints, shakes, left turns, right turns, and more. All levels welcome in this indoor cycling class.
Temple and Leander Studios

TrueCycle - 45 min ride
Georgetown Studio Only
This is a high-intensity class! It’s a Trainers Choice Class. We will start as a group doing the same warm up, then break off into pairs and hit the circuit class: Stations, Circuit, Weights, Cycle, Cardio, Strength, Boxing, Sprints, Planks, Pilates, TRX, Recovery. ANYTHING GOES.
BRING: Gym Shoes, Your Boxing Gloves, Your Pilates Sticky Socks, Sweat Towel, Water, Smiles. (If you have cycle clip in shoes (SPD’s) you can bring those.)
Georgetown Studio Only

Our Georgetown Studio features Real Ryder bikes. The Real Ryder bikes move with you. This mobility provides three important benefits:
- Eliminates the unnatural stresses on your body experienced on a stationary bike.
- Increased functional muscle recruitment with three planes of movement.
- Makes riding more enjoyable by adding variety to your ride.
Cycle and sweat with 45 minutes of calorie-blasting, full-body cardio. Every class is rhythm based, meaning you ride (and Ryde!) to the beat of the music. Expect a killer sweat to a killer playlist with flats, hills, sprints, shakes, left turns, right turns, and more. All levels welcome in this indoor cycling class.
Temple and Leander Studios

This is a high-intensity class! It’s a Trainers Choice Class. We will start as a group doing the same warm up, then break off into pairs and hit the circuit class: Stations, Circuit, Weights, Cycle, Cardio, Strength, Boxing, Sprints, Planks, Pilates, TRX, Recovery. ANYTHING GOES.
BRING: Gym Shoes, Your Boxing Gloves, Your Pilates Sticky Socks, Sweat Towel, Water, Smiles. (If you have cycle clip in shoes (SPD’s) you can bring those.)
Georgetown Studio Only

Our Georgetown Studio features Real Ryder bikes. The Real Ryder bikes move with you. This mobility provides three important benefits:
- Eliminates the unnatural stresses on your body experienced on a stationary bike.
- Increased functional muscle recruitment with three planes of movement.
- Makes riding more enjoyable by adding variety to your ride.